Weekly Summary 6/23/2014-6/29/2014 & 6/30/2014-7/6/2014

Alright, two weeks to cover today.


Goals (from last week): 60-70km, 5k race on Wednesday (20:30ish?), work on foot, don’t push the distance too hard.

Tuesday, 6/24-  10km, pavement, easy.

Got some cautious easy running done. My foot was still a bit sore in the morning from an 18km run the previous Sunday, but it held up fine and wasn’t even noticeable. Racing 5k tomorrow. If things hold up Ill aim for 2x12k and a 20ker this weekend.

Wednesday, 6/25Sunset Series #1, 5km, pavement, race (19:35 5k, PR).

Check out my race report here.

Friday, 6/27- 12km, pavement, easy.

Got some easy miles with no leg or foot troubles. Feeling good.

Saturday, 6/28- 14km, groomed trail, easy-ish, 201m elevation gain.

It was hot today, and I skipped lunch to go get some miles on the Chedokee Trail. I tried to keep it slow and easy- the trail is a slight grade all the way out, and you don’t notice it except in your pace, really. I took an extra stab at Bedoe Hill on the way back. I stopped a couple times to make sure the effort wasn’t too hard and to cool off some as best I could.

Sunday, 6/29-18km, groomed trail, long.

I wanted an easy 20k along the DVCA Rail Trail, but it didn’t turn out that way. In an attempt to get out early(-ish) and beat the heat I skipped breakfast. It was hot anyway. Plus I don’t think my legs were quite up to staking milage like this yet. It was undoubtedly one of the toughest runs I’ve ever had. A real fight just to keep moving forward. My average pace was something like 5:30/km, which is in my ‘Long run’ pace zone, but it hurt.

My comments on Strava about the run: “Wanted an easy 20. Fatigue, heat, no breakfast, not a good run. Probably one of the toughest Ive ever had just to keep going. But I got 18, and next week starts tomorrow!”

Sometimes I’m awesome.

Thoughts on the week: Nice to see the speed is there, even if the endurance isn’t. Keep it slow, keep ramping up the miles: 80-90km next week.

Weekly totals: 61.4km, 5h16m, 410m elevation gain.


Monday 6/30- 12km, pavement, easy.

I waited until the sun went down tonight, and it was wwaaaaaayyyy cooler out. I got swarmed by NoSeeUms, but that’s life at night near the water. Felt like a good run.

Wednesday, 7/2- 14km, pavement, easy+some hill reps.

I thought about adding in a few race pace kms along the way but I had a hard interval session scheduled for the next day. This week is mostly about testing the legs to see if Im ready to start marathon training at around 100-110km/week. My legs felt tired, but it was mostly just soreness from Monday’s gym session. They’re fine, just needed a good run.

Thursday, 7/3- 17km, pavement and track, 5kE+5x(1k1+3min jog)+4x(400mR+400m jg)+2kE.

That was tough to plug into the Garmin. I wanted to take a stab at a Daniels style interval workout. His program combines long and short intervals and rotates these workouts with a threshold/tempo based run every other week. The Hanson plan base I used for my previous training had an interval day (e.g. 3x2mi) and a tempo day each week. I like the idea of only two hard days/week (interval/threshold+long run), since that leaves more time for recovery and pushes the distance up on quality days.

7/2/2014 IntervalsThis run went fairly well, I think. I ran faster than my goal pace on every interval. I was using a vDOT based on my 30k result and the assumption that I could run a 1:35ish half marathon- vDOT=48. But apparently my 5k result (and these interval times) put me closer to a 51. The scary thing is that a 51 vDOT is associated with a 3:11 marathon time, a full 5min faster than my 3:16 goal. Should be a fun summer!

1k interval goal: 4:03, 400m interval goal: 89s.

Friday, 7/4- 12km, pavement, easy/recovery.

Just an easy 12k to recover from last night’s workout and get some milage in.

Saturday, 7/5– 10km, pavement, easy.

Another evening easy run along The Standard Route. There was a race going on- I think the Sketchers Series-so there were more people out than usual. Still, nice easy work to set up tomorrow long run.

Sunday, 7/6- 26km, groomed trails, long.

Not bad. Not bad. I was hurting at the end, even after trying to keep the pace no faster than 5:15. I only had a small breakfast, and no coffee. And this was the final run of my first week over 65km since mid-May, and the longest run I’ve done since AtB training- I maxed my Sulphur Springs runs out around 25km. Cadence was good, form felt fine. Took a water bottle and brought a gel in case but didn’t use it.

Thoughts: Seems like it’s going to take a bit to get the long run endurance back up. Good, pain free week. Time to start marathon training next week!

Totals: 92.2km, 7h56m, 419m elevation gain.

Goals for next week: I will be a lower km week since Im racing twice (Wednesday night Sunset Series 5k and Saturday 5Peaks RattleSnake Harbour Enduro). Go hard at the races, but take care on any technical terrain on Saturday so as not to screw up your foot. Let’s aim for 85km total.

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